Studio Safety in the New Year

Hello Art Friends,

I am here today to share with you some tips that will keep you healthier while you paint.  Here are my top picks to improve your work environment and health for the next decade by significantly reducing your exposure to Petroleum Products.

Chelsea Classical Studio Fine Art Supplies:  I am so excited about this line of products.  You can order a sampler pack to try them out in small sizes!! 




Need I say more?  They have a line of Solvents and Mediums that are made from Lavender Oil.  That’s it.  Just be careful if you have allergies.  Check out their website at

My Favorite products are:

  • Brush Cleaner

  • Lavender Spike Oil

This product can replace Turpentine but does have a strong smell. I use it for quick washes or layouts at the end of the day.  It also cleans brushes well.  Keep in a container with a lid for easy use and cover it up.  

  • Fat and Lean Mediums:

I use during the painting process just like any medium.  The smell is mild and actually pleasant and not harmful.


A Few Other Tips:

  1. Use Gamsol if Turpentine is necessary. I have been able to reduce my turps usage significantly with the above products, but if you must, Gamblin does a great job keeping products as safe as possible. 

  2. Res-n-gel by Weber is non-toxic alternative to heavy mediums and does speed up drying time.  I use on top of thicker layers.

  3. Wear Gloves!! Your skin does absorb the harmful chemicals in paints.

  4. Ventilate your studio and run an air purifier that removes chemicals. 

Happy Painting!!!  Hope you love the Chelsea products. 


Christine Dryden