Live Workshop Online

Hi Friends,
I hope everyone is safe and healthy during this crazy time.  I am grateful to be healthy and have been enjoying lots of time in the studio. I started my new Virtual Live Workshop about three weeks ago and I am loving it! The first 3 videos are available to replay on Facebook.  
Here's What You Need to Know:
Tuesday May 5th at 1:00pm.  This will be session 4.  Replays are available through my new Facebook Group, Angela's Color Story.  I will be working on a Still Life, Oil and Acrylic Welcome! 
Main Feed:
Facebook:  Join my private group- Angela’s Color Story.  
This is where all interaction will take place.  All resources will also be posted here, not on Instagram.  
Secondary Feed:
Instagram: @angelanesbitfineart
Let me know if you have any questions!  Come Paint with Me!!
